Git - git-remote Documentation With -a or --auto, the remote is queried to determine its HEAD, then the symbolic-ref refs/remotes//HEAD is set to the same branch. e.g., if the remote HEAD is pointed at next, "git remote set-head origin -a" will set the symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/
Git - Remote Branches Remote branches are references (pointers) to the state of branches in your remote repositories. ... and updates its master branch, then your histories move forward differently. Also, as ...
compare local git branch with remote branch? - Stack Overflow How can I see the diff between a local branch and a remote branch? ... The easy way: git fetch git log -p HEAD..FETCH_HEAD This will first fetch the changes from your default remote (origin). This will be created automatically when you clone a repo.
repository - Push a new local branch to a remote Git repo and track it too - Stack Overflow I tried looking for a an answer to this, but couldn't find any which address this specific need. Which is weird. I want to be able to do the following: create a local branch based on some other (remote or local) branch (via git branch or git checkout -b)
Create a new Git Remote Repository from some local files (or local git repository) at A Waage Blog 65 Responses to 'Create a new Git Remote Repository from some local files (or local git repository)' Subscribe to comments with RSS or TrackBack to 'Create a new Git Remote Repository from some local files (or local git repository)'.
Reset and sync local respository with remote branch | OCPsoft If you have ever gotten to the point where your local git repository is out of sync with your remote, but you just can't seem to restore things back to normal,
git - Update a local branch with the changes from a tracked ... 2012年6月30日 - You have set the upstream of that branch. (see: "How do you make an existing git branch track a remote branch?" and; "Git: Why do I need to do ...
Git fetch remote branch - Stack Overflow 2012年3月2日 - You need to create a local branch that tracks a remote branch. ... I tried this and got "fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with ...
Git - Remote Branches If you do some work on your local master branch, and, in the meantime, someone else pushes to and updates its master branch, then your ...
Git - 與遠端協同工作 欲瞭解目前已加進來的遠端儲存庫,可執行 git remote 命令。 .... origin URL: git:// Remote branch merged with 'git pull' while on ... Tracked remote branches acl apiv2 dashboard2 issues master postgres Local branch ...